South Africa Test team consists of only seven capped players. Deba, December 30, 2023 Cricket South Africa has named its men’s Test squad for the forthcoming February series against New Zealand. The squad, led by uncapped 27-year-old Neil Brand, contains seven players who have yet to play a Test match. However, important South African players would not be part of the squad for the second season of the SA20 league, instead focusing on T20 preparations for the T20 World Cup in 2024. Players who are currently participating in the India series will miss the New Zealand tour. Despite failures, South Africa is confident about the New Zealand series, which will include eight capped Test players. Read More… Test squad for South Africa:Neil Brand (c), David Bedingham, Ruan de Swardt, Clyde Fortuin, Zubayr Hamza, Tshepo Moreki, Mihlali Mpongwana, Duanne Olivier, Dane Paterson, Keegan Petersen, Dane Piedt, Raynard van Tonder, Shaun von Berg, Khaya Zondo Also Read: Avesh will replace Shami in the second Test team. Sports Top Stories South AfricaTest Series