A police car was stolen from the Dwarka Police Station in Gujarat. Deba, December 30, 2023 A police car was taken from within the walls of a Dwarka police station in Gujarat, India, recently. The vehicle was a Mahindra Bolero, and the ringleader, Mohit Sharma, was fearless. Sharma, who has a history of legal problems and substance misuse, drove away with the stolen vehicle without raising suspicion. The chase ended when he traveled 200 kilometers without stopping for gasoline. The investigation seeks to ascertain Sharma’s motivations and whether he was influenced during the grand larceny. Officials are concerned that such events would erode public trust in the police department, as officers frequently use undocumented vehicles in emergency situations. Read More… Also Read: The Xiaomi SU7 electric vehicle has been unveiled globally. Top Stories Dwarka Police StationGujarat